Is Blake Griffin a great NBA player or just an amazing dunker? Should he have made the NBA All-Star team with the Clipper’s losing record?
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It’s no surprise that basketball is universally recognized by middle and high school physical education departments as an excellent option for providing youth with optimal amounts of exercise in a manner kids find fun and challenging. But did you know that competitive sports such as basketball can actually make kids smarter, too?
Read MoreB.E. (Ben Ebong) Ready Basketball Academy was started in 2008 as a way for me to share lessons and experiences with young kids.
Read MoreIs it easier to make your high school or middle school team just because you are tall or do you have to be skilled to get on the roster? Do coaches prefer skilled smaller players or taller projects?
Read MoreEvery week the “best team” in college basketball loses and there is a new number 1 team. I can’t keep up. Who is the real “best team” in college basketball?
Read MoreTake These Simple Tests to See If You Are at Risk and Also to Improve Your Reaction Time and Running Speed.
Each year many athletes sprain their ankles. Some of these are from contact (example: landing on someone’s foot) but many are from a lack of control of the athlete’s body. This comes from poor balance and a lack of hip strength. Most athletes don’t train balance and when we see them at the Epicenter this is an area of deficiency.
Coach Ben or a member of the BE Ready team answers your questions and athletes and fans post comments and follow-up. Follow the conversation.
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