Coaches - Omaha
Delano Thomas
Delano Thomas is a professional basketball player from Columbus, Ohio who has been dominant around the world. He starred at Shawnee State University being voted to the 1st -team All-American NAIA Div.II and AMC Conference Player of the Year. He has since gone on to play professional basketball with the Texas Tycoons in the ABA and overseas in Germany, Norway, Uraguay, Brazil, and Syria. He won the Nowegian Basketball league championship in 2009 and is now looking for more…
Hunter Yard
He graduated from the University of North Carolina Charlotte, where he started a personal training program. He was the head trainer for three years, earned his Bachelor of Science in Health Fitness and Kinesiology, was a member of American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Health Fitness Instructor, National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), USA Weightlifting Sports Performance, and Level 1 Sports Performance Coach (USAW).
He specializes in speed/ agility and strength/ conditioning training. He coaches professional and young athletes on a daily basis at OrthoCarolina in Charlotte. He competed in the Spartan Race in Charlotte, which ‘is on a mission to get you active, healthy, and excited about change.’
Now Hunter wants to teach YOUR kids what he learned from his life in training, education, and competition…‘getting up when you’re knocked down and finishing what you started.’
OrthoCarolina – Trains Youth and Professional Athletes (Charlotte, NC)