What is BE Ready?
After my parents, nothing has had a greater impact on my life since childhood than sports–specifically basketball. It has taught me discipline, trust, commitment, loss, care, love, pain, competition, how to lead, how to follow, how to deal with stress, how to work with people, how to be successful individually and how to play a role in something bigger than myself. I don’t know of another place, not school nor the workplace, for individuals to cultivate all the knowledge and experience necessary to address the pitfalls and victories of life. I was fortunate to have coaches throughout high school and college who used basketball to teach daily lessons on and off the court. I’m not saying I understood everything the first time, but eventually things started to make sense. After over 11 years of playing professional basketball in the NBA minor leagues and Europe, I have had to put much of it to use.
B.E. (or Ben Ebong) Ready Basketball Academy was started in 2008 as a way for me to share those lessons and experiences with young boys and girls as they were once shared with me. I have continued to develop a curriculum that uses my expertise, the fundamentals and nuances of basketball to help young people develop into successfull adults. All they know is the fun and enjoyment (and physical fatigue) of learning basketball from professional players.
As I am overseas normally 10 months of every year with my pro team, we now offer 1 week of BE Ready in the summer months in 2 different cities. We provide an unmatched experience surrounding campers with all the advantages of the pros. They will work with experts in strength, conditioning, speed and agilty. Campers will be coached by college educated professional basketball players with experience in NBA and professional leagues around the world. Additionally, we welcome surprise guest speakers daily from all walks of life that the kids will definitely remember.
What makes BE Ready special are the groups of campers and coaches that come together and create an amazing atmosphere. We already have great memories from the first 3 years of our event and hope you will join us in 2011. I have big plans for our 4th year in Omaha and look forward to welcoming our first year campers in Charlotte.
Get Ready!
Ben Ebong