Jobey Thomas- BEREADY Academy Coaches’ Blog
Sorry to have been away so long, but I’m glad to be back. We celebrated Christmas/New Years with our family and some long time friends who just so happened to live in Trieste, Italy as well. The best gift(s) I gave during the holidays were the gifts my wife and I gave our children. They all received things they hoped to get and it was exciting to see them open them. My son got a new basketball (big surprise, right?) and my daughters got new dolls.
In 2012 I learned something that I have often learned but struggle to consistently put into practice; to have no regrets! I want to live each day of my life in such a way that when I look back over my day/life I don’t regret something I did or did not do. I will seek to live this way in 2013 as well.
I would like to share that for the first time in my 11 year pro career I changed teams in the middle of the season. I moved from Trieste to Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto on the Island of Sicily. From cold weather to hot and from the city to the beach. Do the BEReady campers know anything about Sicily? I would be interested to hear what you guys know or think you know about Sicily. What food or dessert is the Island famous for?
Let me know you guys are out there and give me some feedback,
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Hey if anyone one of y’all will be coming up in my area or close by I love to go to the gym and get a great workout in with y’all – Marcus