Do You Think You’re Special?
“I also hope you’ve learned enough to recognize how little you know… how little you know now… at the moment… for today is just the beginning. It’s where you go from here that matters.”
“The sweetest joys of life, then, come only with the recognition that you’re not special.
Because everyone is.”
WATCH THIS VIDEO. Does this motivate you? What do you want to do to make yourself special? What makes someone special? What makes YOU special?
The point of the speech is that your parents and other relatives may make you think that you are very special and that you are the best, but the truth is actually that you are not any more special than others. Yes, I do agree with the speaker because its basically true you are not any more special than any other people.
The point of this story you have to work hard and be passionate of what you do. Nothing in life is handed to you.
I agree
the point of the speech was that no matter how special you think you are nothing will just come to you. You will have to get up and earn whatever you do and find inspiration for what you do.
I agree with the speaker because very rarely is it that someone just hands you something. Most of the time you have to work hard and long for what you get.
The speech was about being successful in life and making good choices like going to college or doing something you love to do. Being successful is the key of being somebody in life and being special.
I agree with the speaker because all kids are different in there own way and can be special.
The point of the speech was how everyone was graduating and how different they were from the other graduates and they have different strengths and weaknesses.
I agree with him because, hes right maybe they should take something from today like if you help others you help yourself.
The point of the speech was that no matter how big or small, fast or slow you are everyone is the same. Your not special or exceptional. Now a days people will only do things if they get a reward in return; whether that’s money or some new video game you’ve always wanted. People should just do something to help out whoever it is that needs help and not expect something in return. Stuff doesn’t just fall into your hands with a snap of your finger….you have to work for it though too. Selflessness is the best thing you can do for yourself.
I agree with what he is saying about how no one can ever be the center of attention and that you have to work hard to accomplish things in life.
the speech was about high schoolers moving on to college he is couraging them when finsh college they know how it feel.
I think what he meant was that your life is influenced by what you do today.
I agree that kids are special in there own way but he didn’t explain it right by saying no one is special
You are special if you work hard enough to reach your goals.
I agree with the speaker because you just don’t get stuff in life you have to work at it
The point of speech was about commencement and how it is important in life. Therefore it was saying that everyone is unique in different ways and have different skills.
I agree with the speaker cause I loved what he said that you only do things in life that you love and that has a purpose for in and that’s very important to you.
The point of the speach was that just because you accomplish something, like passing or moving on to the next grade, it does not make you special. Millions of other people have done the same thing. Thats why you need to do things that no one else is willing to do.
I agree with the speaker because you have to do something that stands out to others.
I think the speech was about that you are not any better than anyone else. I agree with the speaker because we all are human beings.
The Point of the speech was that if you think your special, then you will think that you deserve something but you need to work hard for thing that you want.
I agree with the speaker. Everyone is special, but you need to work to stand out in that huge crowd.
The speaker wanted to let the students know that they are not special. Everyone is told they are special, but what have most of us done to separate ourselves from the billions of people in this world? Some of drove themselves to be great. Most of us have not.
I agree entirely with the speaker. If everyone is special then special is equilibrium. Everyone is different in their own ways, but some have drove themselves to a new level.
The point of the speech was that the high schoolers were going on to college and were going to continue there lives and grow up to be good ( or bad ) people. But eather way they will grow up to be someone special.
I agree with the speaker because he is saying that all the kids are special in his own way.